Friday, February 22, 2008

Ch. 7 Be Efficient and Integrate Basic Skills

I liked her reminder on page 149 when a fourth grader says, "I don't have my lead" and can't start. She said, "Your lead and title can come later. Just start." Students do need to get their first thoughts down. I believe this is when they truly have their own voice. The chapter also reinforced that I need to be writing and thinking aloud more in front of my students. I just honestly find it hard when I'm teaching 4 grade levels to find the time. At one conference I had one student who wanted to share his writing paper over his computer projects. It was so up lifting seeing him celebrating his writing with parent and teacher.


K Styes said...

I agree that it's difficult to find time to share my own writing with my students. I keep wondering what I could give up to carve out more writing time. It's tricky, and so far, I haven't figured it out! I understand that sharing my writing IS important . . . but so is everything else I have to do with my students. I'm still trying to figure out the most efficient way to do it.

Carol Richerson said...

I also agree that it is hard to find the time to share writing. Perhaps having only a few students share each day is the answer. We will see... :)

Mrs. Gary said...

It is hard to find the time to conference one on one with students. I pick and choose the pieces carefully that I want to be published pieces. I am finding that taking time to allow students to orally share and celebrate their pieces is just as meaningful.

Vicky Richardson said...

It is hard to find time to share writing. One way that works for me it to pull a stick with their name on it. They can share their journal writing from the current on that we just wrote, or the day before if they like it better. I put a little tally mark on the bottom of the stick so I can keep the sharing times equal. (That's important to 6th graders!)